I have an eclectic range of experience-backed skills associated with design, research, writing and publishing, and can be engaged to offer sound advice or more on the following specialities.
Contact me at this email address: consultancy@tubemapcentral.com

With a clear framework for effective design, I can advise on the implementation of individual maps, identifying possible troublespots and suggesting improvements. I can also advise on the suitability of design rules for particular networks, and indicate alternative options for future prototypes. I have received requests for assistance from
designers worldwide. For example, KVV, the operator in Karlsruhe, Germany, wished to investigate
the viability of curvilinear maps for their network. I advised on specific designs and later visited the organisation, where I gave a presentation and spent two days with their in-house designer investigating the designs in detail.
If you prefer to conduct usability testing in-house, I can still advise on choice of methodology and specific aspects of implementation, at all stages of research. Data collection errors can lead to uninterpretable findings. If you are unsure about preventing this then it is always advisable to consult an expert.

At what point does inspiration by a design become a copyright violation? What aspects of a map are protected by copyright, and what is the additional security from registered design status? If you have ever considered creating and publishing your own schematic map, you may wish to take advice as to whether it might infringe an already-published design. Approaching the copyright holder may not always result in the most unbiased advice, and if the worst happens, how should you respond to a solicitor’s letter?

Book production is a complex process involving many parties. A good editor is important for maintaining consistency and quality, and I have taken this role for several books. If the goal is self-publishing, there are many considerations
to ensure that a successful product is created. Having written, designed and produced my own hard-backed litho-printed self-published book, and with my full engagement at every step along the way, I am in an ideal position to give advice or take on the role of project manager.