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Products Available Off-Site

Map-related items produced for third-party retailers, distributors, and publishers are here, along with suggestions for obtaining them where applicable.

Underground Maps After Beck book
Underground Maps after Beck
The story of the London Underground Map
in the hands of Henry Beck’s successors

This book is published by Capital Transport Publishing, and distributed throughout the UK. It can be ordered from any bookshop, or from the publisher. The London Transport Museum shop usually has copies for
sale in store and online. Full details of the book are here.

London rail map poster
Posters produced for the London Transport Museum shop

Two what-if designs, created from drawings by Henry Beck. One is based on his all-London railways map from the late 1930s, the other from his second attempt at the Paris Metro in the early 1950s.

London rail map poster

The London map is sold out, but at the time
of writing (March 2017) the Paris map is still available. For a discussion about creating these designs, see my web articles section.